
Beach Status

Analysis of bathing water in Ibiza


Environmental Management System for the Beaches of Eivissa


Eivissa City Council, as part of its sustainable development policy and conscious of the need to preserve the ecosystem of our beaches as well as their natural values, and in keeping with the lines marked by the municipal Agenda 21 action plan, has decided to introduce an Environmental Management System on its beaches pursuant to the requirements established in the UNE-EN ISO 14001:2004 Standard and Regulation 761/2001 (EMAS), with the aim of preserving the natural environment of the beaches and of eliminating, or at least minimizing, the negative environmental effects produced as the result of carrying out our activities on them.

By means of this Environmental Management System, Eivissa City Council commits itself to providing the technical, economic and human means necessary to reduce the contaminating sources, preventing them at source if possible, and to eliminate the negative aspects that they may cause on the natural environment as a result of the activities that are carried out and the use that is made of our coast.

Therefore, we commit ourselves, through the coordination and collaboration of all the municipal areas of management involved in managing the beaches and the involvement of all the people who work on behalf of the corporation, to set up mechanisms of ongoing improvement in the management of the beaches, offering users a greater level of environmental quality on them, with a rational management of the natural resources of the beaches compatible with the activities that are carried out on them and minimizing the production of solid waste, wastewater and the emission of contaminating gases into the atmosphere.

During the development of all the activities that are carried out on our beaches, we state our firm commitment to set up all the necessary initiatives that will ensure compliance with legislation and the environmental regulations applicable to beaches, as well as any other requirements that the City Council takes on, on a voluntary basis, in order to improve their environmental values. We shall encourage the participation of all the people who work on behalf of the corporation and of the users of the beaches in the protection and improvement of their natural conditions by means of communication actions at all levels, based on creating awareness and on environmental education.

We also commit ourselves to defining and periodically communicating our environmental objectives and goals, which will be stated to all the people who work on behalf of the corporation, evaluating their level of compliance with the aim of encouraging ongoing improvement in the management of the beaches along our coast. For this purpose, the corresponding documented management plans will be drawn up that will enable the environmental results that are produced to be reviewed through periodical, systematic environmental audits.

Our coast is a first-class common asset for locals and visitors, therefore we wish to involve and encourage all its users, the rest of the administrations, organizations and associations with responsibilities and influences on the integral management of the beaches and all the people who work on behalf of the organization to participate in this project of environmental improvement of the beaches of our municipality.

This environmental policy was approved in the Plenary Session of Eivissa City Council which was held on 29 April 2010.
The Mayor of the City of Eivissa.
Lourdes Costa Torres


Environmental Management System for the Beaches of Eivissa

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